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Showing posts from January, 2023

Building the Kabba 🕋

    Prophet Mohommad ï·º used to go to Baitullah Sharif for the purpose of worshiping his Lord under his religious passion and he knew as much as he could about the method handed down from his forefathers Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) who built Baitullah Sharif. They worshiped in this way, the ritual of worshiping idols, their minds did not accept it, so they used to worship their Lord in their own way while remaining unconnected with them. Baitullah was Adam's height and since Makkah is in the lowlands, everything would be damaged when there was a flood, so the Quraish were worried that they should fix it, in the meantime they came to know that a ship had broken down in Jeddah and was useless. , a chieftain of Quraysh went there and procured its wooden planks from the Quraysh, and by them began the construction of the Kaaba, and as it was the work of a sacred place of worship, all the families of the Quraysh entered into it. The repr

Participation of Prophet ï·º in trade and marriage with Hazrat Khadijah

  A respectable and wealthy lady of a family who used to import and export merchandise, and on becoming a widow, felt the need of an honest and prudent man to assist her in exporting her merchandise, who was her slave. travel with him and keep an eye on the worship of the slave, on the basis of being aware of your attributes, he requested the help of the Prophet (ï·º) and sent him out with his slave in charge, and as if in this way your performance And tested his practical ability, he did this woman's case very profitably by his journey, moreover, the slave who went with him also came and praised his efficiency and honesty (1)Much appreciated.         So this woman, while the messages of many other honorable people had come to her and apologized to them, she offered the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) a blessing. She was fifteen years older than him, but he decided to marry you based on the qualities he saw. Prepared, and ignored the age difference and conside